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Rochdale Training has recently been working in partnership with the team at GMLPN to improve the delivery of maths training for residents. Funding has been made possible by the team at the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) to support the further education sector. The Multiply Provider Support Programme aims to support Further Education (FE) Providers to deliver high-quality and appropriate maths skills across Greater Manchester.                         

What support has Rachdale Training recieved from the Multiply Provider Support programme?

Rochdale Training has received support from the programme in more than one way. Initially, we joined the specific subject matter courses and due to our staff numbers, we received this training either in-house or remotely, which allowed other colleagues to attend a local centre if they could not travel to a location further away. We then secured funding through GMLPN for a dedicated consultant to work with us and tailor a CPD programme specific to our tutor’s needs, which was delivered over two full days.

What have been the benefits for your staff?         

Depending on where each staff member was in their teaching journey, some found the subject matter courses more beneficial than others as they learnt different strategies to be able to deliver maths to their learners. All tutors valued the two-day consultant training as our consultant listened to the tutor’s concerns around delivering maths to our learners and tailored the programme to their needs; this has given the staff the confidence not only in their own maths knowledge but new strategies to deliver and help their learners with maths.

What has been the impact on your apprentices?     

Apprentices are receiving training from tutors who have more confidence in their ability to deliver maths which would not have been possible without the Multiply Provider Support Programme. We have seen an increase in maths first-time pass rates, which is excellent.

What has been the biggest bennefit for Rochdale Training? 

By investing in maths teacher training through the Multiply Provider Support Programme, we have cultivated a strong educational environment that benefits learners, tutors and the community as a whole. This investment not only enhances immediate outcomes but also fosters long-term growth and success. We have seen higher achievement rates, enhanced tutor confidence in teaching maths and them using new pedagogical methods and received dedicated maths professional development for tutors.

Top tip for other providers:     

Invest the time in releasing your tutors to attend the sessions available through the programme; they are invaluable. The consultants will give your tutors the confidence to deliver maths in a simplified way and contextualise the subject matter to the vocational area of the apprentice to make maths more enjoyable.

If you would like to improve your Maths or English through our courses, contact: or call 01706 631417

For further information, please follow this link; Functional Skills | Rochdale Training