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The Home of Apprenticeships

Here at Rochdale Training we strive to give you the best possible experience with us, one of the ways we do this is offering careers advice and guidance. Our Careers Advice tools below will help in your search for your future job.

Youth Hub:

Need impartial careers advice and guidance? Expert advice now available from;

Rochdale Youth Hub: We are:

- Permanently based in Rochdale Training 

- Available Monday to Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

- Call us today on: 01706 926657

- Email us at:


Positive Steps:

- Call us today on: 0800 195 8528 or 0161 621 9290

- Email us at:

- Advice session times may vary


CV Template:

Are you looking to create your first CV or improve your current one? Let us help.  Use one of our templates below to build your CV to create a professional and structured layout highlighting your skills and knowledge to potential employers.

CV Template 1

CV Template 2

CV Template 3

Cover Letter:

Are you looking to write a cover letter for applying to jobs but don't know where to begin? Use our helpful template below:

Cover Letter Template 

Leaving College/School and/or progressing at work:

For many, the later years at school can be frustrating when all you want to do is get out into the world, start working and earn a living. Likewise, if already working, you may be looking to try something new altogether or to improve your skills and knowledge to help you progress up the career ladder. You may also want to improve your prospects of finding a job in your chosen industry, which guarantees top quality training, but lets you develop skills and gain qualifications on the job. 

Apprenticeships offer a mixture of on and off the job training and education that provides you with the skills you need for your chosen career that will also lead to nationally-recognised qualifications. As an apprentice you will learn on the job, undertake real jobs for employers – and get paid while you learn. 

There are more than 250 different Apprenticeships available in approximately 80 sectors of industry and commerce, ranging from Engineering to Business Administration to Construction. 

The possibilities are endless so whatever your chosen career you should be able to find an Apprenticeship that suits you. 

With university tuition fees in the region of £9,000 a year, some young people are looking for alternative pathways into degrees when they have completed A-Levels. 

Both the Government and UCAS recommend that young people consider the Apprenticeship pathway after A-Levels as a cost effective way into employment and Higher Education.

For more information of what to do after leaving school or college please contact Rochdale Training's Recruitment Team on 01706 631417

Occupational Maps:

Still not sure where your career path can lead you or what your salary expectations are?

Use our Pathways software below:


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