It is the international quality standard for organisations that deliver information, advice and/or guidance (IAG). Either as their sole purpose or as part of their service offering. The Matrix standard is the Department for Education’s (DfE) standard for ensuring the quality of the delivery of high-quality information, advice and guidance. The DfE supports the Matrix Standard as the quality framework for accrediting information, advice and guidance contracts including the National Careers Service, its subcontractors and other services delivered on behalf of the Education Skills Funding Agency.
It helps providers to improve their services by benchmarking against best practices and it offers accreditation to those that meet the full standard. Organisations that feel they all Matrix criteria can apply for assessment at any time. The Matrix standard is an outcome-based standard. This means that an Assessor will look not only at processes used to support IAG delivery but also at results achieved.
Rochdale Training holds the Matrix accreditation.