This Apprenticeship is a brilliant way to gain new practical and professional skills, on-the-job training, nationally recognised qualifications and earn money at the same time. This Apprenticeship course is also available to those who are employed and want to upskill in the workplace.
Brief Description:
The role of a customer service practitioner is to deliver high quality products and services to the customers of their organisation. Your core responsibility will be to provide a high-quality service to customers which will be delivered from the workplace, digitally, or through going out into the customer’s own locality. These may be one-off or routine contacts and include dealing with orders, payments, offering advice, guidance and support, meet-and-greet, sales, fixing problems, after care, service recovery or gaining insight through measuring customer satisfaction. You may be the first point of contact and work in any sector or organisation type
What You Will Learn:
- Understand the different needs and priorities of your customers and the best way to manage their expectations, recognising and knowing how to adapt style to be highly effective.
- Know the appropriate legislation and regulatory requirements that affect your business.
- Know how to use systems, equipment and technology to meet the needs of your customers.
- Understand types of measurement and evaluation tools available to monitor customer service levels.
- Understand how establishing the facts enable you to create a customer focused experience and appropriate response.
- Understand how to build trust with a customer and why this is important.
The Training Will Include:
- Face-to-face and/or remote workshops together with online learning
- 1:1 support from a Tutor who will visit your workplace
- Progress reviews are to be completed with your Tutor and line manager
- Development of a work-based portfolio to evidence learning
- End-point assessment (EPA)
- Functional Skills English and/or maths Level 1 and/or Level 2, if required
Entry Requirements:
There are no formal entry requirements. In order to complete the apprenticeship, you will need English and maths at Level 1 (equivalent to GCSE grade 2-3) and attempt English and/or maths Level 2, but if you don’t have these qualifications don’t let this stop you from undertaking the apprenticeship as we can help you gain the Level 1 requirement and support you in working towards Level 2 during your studies.
12 months plus 3 months EPA
Professional Membership:
Completion of this apprenticeship will lead to eligibility to join the Institute of Customer Service as an Individual member at Professional level.
Full Standard Details:
For more information or any queries, please contact our Recruitment Lead, Nathan Finn at 01706 63417 or