This Apprenticeship is a brilliant way to gain new practical and professional skills, on-the-job training, nationally recognised qualifications and earn money at the same time. This Apprenticeship course is also available to those who are employed and want to upskill in the workplace.
Course Overview:
This occupation is found in a range of private and public settings including full day care, children’s centres, pre-schools, reception classes, playgroups, nursery schools, home-based provision, hospitals, social care settings, out-of-school environments and local authority provision to deliver the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) requirements set by the government for the learning, development and care of children from birth to 5 in both indoor and outdoor environments. The broad purpose of the occupation is to work and interact directly with children on a day-to-day basis supporting the planning of and delivery of activities, purposeful play opportunities and educational programmes within the ethos of the setting. An EYP works as part of a professional team ensuring the welfare and care of children under the guidance and supervision of an Early Years Educator, teacher or other suitably qualified professionals in the Early Years Workforce.
What You Will Learn:
- How children learn and the expected pattern of babies and children’s development from birth to 5 years and their further development from ages 5 to 7.
- Areas of development include cognitive, speech, language and communication, physical, emotional, social, brain development and literacy and numeracy.
- Safeguarding policies and procedures, including child protection and online safety.
- The impact of health and wellbeing on children’s development.
- The key stages in the observation, assessment and planning cycle and the value of observation for the child, the parents/ carers and the early years setting in planning the next steps.
- The importance of the voice of the child, parental/carer engagement, the home learning environment and their roles in early learning.
The Training Will Include:
- Face-to-face and/or remote workshops together with online learning
- 1:1 support from a Tutor who will visit your workplace
- Progress reviews are to be completed with your Tutor and line manager
- Development of a work-based portfolio to evidence learning
- End-point assessment (EPA)
- Functional Skills English and/or maths Level 1 and/or Level 2, if required.
Entry Requirements:
There are no formal entry requirements.
In order to complete the apprenticeship, you will need English and maths at Level 1 (equivalent to GCSE grade 2-3) and attempt English and/or maths Level 2, but if you don’t have these qualifications don’t let this stop you from undertaking the apprenticeship as we can help you gain the Level 1 requirement and support you in working towards Level 2 during your studies.
12 months plus 3 months EPA
Professional Membership:
Not Applicable to this Standard.
For more information or any queries, please contact our Recruitment Lead, Nathan Finn at 01706 63417 or