This Apprenticeship is a brilliant way to gain new practical and professional skills, on-the-job training, nationally recognised qualifications and earn money at the same time. This Apprenticeship course is also available to those who are employed and want to upskill in the workplace.
Pathway One.
Brief Description:
As a Children, Young People and Families Practitioner you will be working with children, young people and families, including carers, to achieve positive and sustainable change in their lives. Learners will receive a clear learning programme with one-to-one support throughout the qualification. Learners could be working in a number of settings e.g. a children’s home, a residential special school or a secure children’s home or in settings as diverse as family homes, youth centres, early years, youth justice, children's centres, educational settings and the community. You may work with particular age groups, across the full age range or specifically with families.
Examples of What You Will Learn:
- The legislation and compliance requirements for residential care
- The aspirations for a child in residential care
- Group living and group dynamics
- Legislation and the Code of Practice for Special Educational Needs and Disability
- How to assume the role of a professional parent
- How to contribute to creating and reviewing placement plans based on individual need
- How to support traumatised children and young people to live together and make progress
The Training Will Include:
- Face-to-face and/or remote workshops together with the online learning
- 1:1 support from a Tutor who will visit your workplace
- Progress reviews are to be completed with your Tutor and line manager
- Development of a work-based portfolio to evidence learning
- End-point assessment (EPA)
Entry Requirements:
In order to complete the Apprenticeship, you will need English and Maths at Level 2 (equivalent to GCSE grade 9-4) but if you don't have these qualifications don't let this stop you from applying for the Apprenticeship as we may be able to help.
24 months plus EPA
For more information or any queries, please contact our Recruitment Lead, Nathan Finn at 01706 63417 or