This Apprenticeship is a brilliant way to gain new practical and professional skills, on-the-job training, nationally recognised qualifications and earn money at the same time. This Apprenticeship course is also available to those who are employed and want to upskill in the workplace.
Brief Description:
This course is suitable for those working in healthcare, community or (VCSE) voluntary settings in roles such as Health Trainer, Care or Service Navigator, Social Prescribing Link Worker, Live Well Coach, Community Connector, Community Health Champion, NHS, local Government or Community Development Worker. The broad purpose of the role is to work in partnership with individuals and their communities to identify and address health and well-being needs, improve health, prevent ill health and reduce inequalities. You will undertake engaging and interactive teaching, learning and support sessions with the apprentice on a regular basis.
Some Examples of What You Will Learn:
- Use preventative approaches to promote the health and well-being of individuals, groups and communities, addressing the wider determinants of health and causes of ill-health
- Help communities to build local resilience and identify strengths, capacity and resources that support their health and wellbeing
- Provide informed advice about local services and projects that support health and wellbeing
- Manage referrals from a range of agencies, professionals and through self-referral
- Apply behavioural science to help people find practical solutions for better health and wellbeing
- Implement actions set out in strategies and policies that promote health and well-being at a community level
- Communicate public health messages and information to promote health and well-being at an individual, group and community level
- Manage data and information and contribute to the evaluation of projects and services
- Operate within legal and ethical frameworks that relate to the promotion and protection of the public’s health and wellbeing
- Take responsibility for personal and professional development in line with organisational protocol
The Training Will Include:
- Face-to-face and/or remote workshops together with the online learning
- 1:1 support from a Tutor who will visit your workplace
- Regular Progress reviews are to be completed with your Tutor and line manager
- Development of a work-based portfolio to evidence learning
- End-point assessment (EPA)
Entry Requirements:
In order to complete the Apprenticeship, you will need English and Maths at Level 2 (equivalent to GCSE grade 9-4) but if you don't have these qualifications don't let this stop you from applying for the Apprenticeship as we may be able to help.
12 months plus EPA
For more information or any queries, please contact our Recruitment Lead, Nathan Finn at 01706 63417 or