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Safeguarding Details


Safeguarding is the protection and preventative approach to keeping our learners, staff and visitors safe. Our safeguarding approach includes children, young people and adults that may be at risk of harm. We have a duty of care, under the Children Act 2004, to safeguard and promote the well-being of children and young people to provide our learners with a safe educational environment where they can learn and develop. It also has a duty to promote and safeguard the welfare of vulnerable adults. 


Prevent is a government strategy for safeguarding people and communities from the threat of all types of extremism and radicalisation, including terrorism. It is also about the promotion of British Values.

The Government has defined extremism as “vocal or active opposition to fundamental British Values”, which include:

  • Individual liberty
  • Rule of law
  • Democracy
  • Mutual respect and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs.

This includes not discriminating against those with protected characteristics (Equality Act 2010), namely:

  • Age
  • Disability
  • Gender reassignment
  • Marriage and civil partnership
  • Pregnancy and maternity
  • Race
  • Religion and belief
  • Sex
  • Sexual orientation

If you feel you are in a position where you need to contact our safeguarding team, here are our officers and information: 


External Helplines:


Rochdale Council - Homelessness and Prevention

Manchester City Council - Homeless People

Crisis - What to do if you are homeless

RBH - The Homelessness Service 

Our Rochdale - Shelter

Depaul - Homelessness Services

Sexual Harassment Support:

Victim Support - Sexual Harassment

Rape Crisis - Get Help

Safeline - Surviving Sexual Abuse Support 

End The Fear - Domestic Violence and Harassment

NHS - Help After

NSPCC - Preventing Child Sexual Abuse

Mental Health Support:

KOOTH - Mental Health Support

NHS - Mental Health 

Rochdale Mind - For Better Mental Health

Rochdale Council - Mental Health Support

Young Minds - You Are Not Alone

Our Rochdale - Mental Health

Manchester Minds - How are you today, really?