'Real-World' Functional Skills for Early Years Apprentices
Rochdale Training is excited to be involved in a groundbreaking research initiative to support early years apprentices in achieving their maths Functional Skills qualification.
The pilot, commissioned as part of the Apprenticeship Workforce Development Project, funded by the Education and Training Foundation, and led by NCFE and GMLPN is a response to Ofqual’s review of the reformed FSQs that highlighted a pressing concern around the decline in pass rates linked to the perceived difficulty of the qualification.
Emma Lowe-Hewitt, Quality, Compliance and Functional Skills Manager at Rochdale Training said, “We are proud to be a part of this exciting research project whereby we are testing contextualised functional skills maths resources and assessments within the early year's sector, in the hope this can be replicated across all apprenticeship sectors. We want to see all apprentices enjoying learning maths and through contextualisation, this will boost learner’s confidence and improve maths achievement rates.”